Thursday, 8 December 2011
Dapat Uang Tanpa Modal dari SFI
Mengapa Anda menghabiskan waktu di internet untuk iseng-iseng saja. Manfaatkan akses internet Anda untuk mendapatkan uang ratusan Dollar dalam waktu lima hari dengan bergabung di SFI. Tanpa harus pintar komputer dan gratis, siapa saja bisa menjalankan program ini.
Gambar di bawah ini adalah screenshot penghasilan yang bakal Anda raih dari SFI.
Agar Anda cepat menghasilkan uang dollar secara cepat, tersedia gratis pelatihan online, asalkan anda dapat lulus test dari SFI sehingga mempunyai predikat "Smart Start Graduate". Silahkan anda ikuti langkah - langkah berikut ini :
- KLIK ke GambarIni!
- Tombol Join Free Now
- Isi formulir pendaftaran
- Klik link khusus yang dikirimkan ke email pendaftaran anda untuk konfirmasi.
- Login ke account anda
- Klik link For confirming your registration di website SFI
- Klik link VersaPoint Personal Scoreboard untuk menambah poin.
Baca semua artikel yang ada, agar Anda mengerti tata cara permainan ini.
- Klik link For whitelisting
- Tambahkan alamat email
- Isi survey SmartStartAffiliateSurvey
- Alamat referal Anda di bagian My Account -> GatewayList
Copy alamat referal Anda dan sebarkan agar setiap orang klik link milik Anda agar Anda mendapat uang. Selamat mencoba dan semoga sukses.
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Safelist Rank
<a href="" title="safelists rankings">Vote for this safelist at!</a>
Earn Money Easy From Here..!
Thursday, 17 November 2011
SIgn Up Gratis..! Langsung Dapat Uang...! Langsung Bisa Payout Lho...!
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Cara main dungeons and treasures
1. Register kesini
2. Pilih tavern
3. Arahkan mouse disamping tulisan "Find A Dungeon", ada gambar panah, kemudian di klik
4. Telusuri lorong, kemudian masuki seluruh lorong.
5. Dalam lorong Anda bisa menemukan emas, pengobat luka, senjata, monster dan lain lain
6. Kumpulkan point sebanyak2nya, diakhir bulan poin akan dikonversi menjadi $DT yang bisa dikonversi jadi $ sungguhan. Selamat mencoba.
Mungkin anda belum ada yang tahu kalau ada game yang bisa memberikan kita uang gratis. Ya, beneran uang asli tapi tentunya dalam bentuk dollar amerika. Nama gamenya adalah Dungeon & Treasures, game yang berbasis action real time ini dimainkan dalam bentuk pandangan orang pertama atau FPS. Permainannya sederhana, karakter kita nantinya akan berpetualang kedalam sebuah dungeon, yang didalamnya kita akan bertemu berbagai macam monster. saat kita berhadapan dengan monster tersebut kita akan diberikan beberapa pilihan, seperti : attack, dodge, atau run. Jika kita berhasil mengalahkan monster tersebut maka kita akan mendapatkan exp yang berguna untuk menaikkan level karakter kita.
selain mendapatkan exp, jika beruntung kita bisa mendapatkan berbagai item atau gold.
Petualangan didalam dungeon ini begitu sederhana, kita akan diberikan beberapa pilihan arah seperti kanan, kiri, lurus atau berbalik arah. Ditengah perjalanan didalam dungeon, kita juga bisa mendapatkan gold, item dan kunci. kunci ini terbagi menjadi beberapa fungsi. Kunci wood, iron, dan gold yang digunakan untuk membuka peti harta karun yang terdapat di ruang chest room. semakin tinggi tingkatan kunci tersebut maka semakin besar pula gold yang akan kita dapat. ada juga kunci yang hanya bisa digunakan pintu di dalam dungeon untuk menuju ruangan berkutnya.
jika karakter berhasil naik level, maka kita akan mendapat 3 point setiap kenaikan 1 lvl. point tersebut digunakan untuk menaikkan skil karakter kita, seperti attack, defend dan rush. tentunya untuk masuk kedalam dungeon tersebut kita harus berbekal senjata dan perlengkapan lainnya, pada awal maen kita diberikan 500 gld, klo saya, akan saya gunakan untuk membeli sebuah pedang standard dengan harga dibawah 200 gold dan sebuah potion health. perlu diingat bahwa tujuan kita bermain game ini adalah mencari gold sebanyak - banyaknya. karena setiap akhir bulan, gld yg kita peroleh tersebut akan dikonversi kedalam US dollar. persentase konversi gold ke dollar, berbeda tiap bulannya. enak bukan, maen game malah dibayar. selan berpetualang didalam dungeon, untuk mendapatkan gold, kita bisa menggunakan fasilitas undian yang ada disebelah kiri. undian tersebut ada yang bisa dimainkan secara gratis dan membayr. untuk bermain secara gratis, mainkan treasures hunt, kemdian klik get free ticket dan play game nya. disana kita mencari dimana letak harta yang berada.
First Step…………
1 - Beli peralatanmu (senjata, pelindung)
Setelah meregistrasi account Anda, Anda akan memperoleh modal permainan sebesar 500 gold pada tiap awal permainan/hari pertama stiap bulan. Anda dapat mempergunakannya untuk membeli sebuah sword/dagger, ingatlah bahwa solid sword/dagger memiliki kualitas yang lebih baik. Anda juga dapat menggunakannya untuk membeli sebuah health potion 1 (saran saya, jangan membelinya di shop sebelum Anda mencoba melihat harga yang ditawarkan pemain lain di bagian Market untuk mencari harga yang lebih murah).
Anda dapat menjual dan atau memperbaiki senjata Anda di shop dengan membayar sejumlah uang.
Berbagai potion juga dapat Anda temukan di dalam dungeon, saya pribadi tidak pernah membeli potion sejak hari pertama karena saya memilih untuk membeli senjata yang kuat daripada bergantung pada potion.
2 - Memasang perlengkapan
Setelah membeli perlengkapan, pergilah menuju my equipment untuk memasang perlengkapan Anda sebab perlengkapan Anda tidak terpasang otomatis. Anda hanya perlu melakukan klik pada box bertuliskan jenis equipment (misal: helmet, weapon, shield, dsb). Senjata box 1 dan 2 dapat diisi dengan pedang dan belati, namun untuk kotak ketiga hanya dapat dipasangi belati. Jika Anda membeli spell sihir setelah level ke-10, maka spell akan terpasang secara otomatis. Potion otomatis ter-equip selama Anda memiliki persediaannya (membeli maupun menemukan di dungeon) . Anda tidak dapat mengganti equipment seperti senjata dan pelindung setelah berada di dalam dungeon kecuali Anda menemukan senjata tergeletak di lantai dan ingin mengganti senjata lama Anda.
3 - Menemukan Dungeon
Pergilah ke Tavern dan klik find dungeon. Anda mendapat kesempatan memiliki kesempatan menemukan satu dungeon baru setiap hari Anda login (satu hari hanya ada satu).
Saran saya, selesaikan satu dungeon secara keseluruhan sebelum Anda mencoba membuka dungeon baru sehingga gold dan exp yang Anda dapatkan menjadi maksimal.
4 - Melakukan cure/healing
Di dalam dungeon ada kalanya Anda bertemu monster yang dapat menyerang Anda, Anda dapat mempergunakan healing 1 untuk mengobati 1 luka atau healing 5 yang Anda temukan untuk mengobati 5 luka sekaligus (potion healing dapat digunakan saat bertemu monster, selain potion ini tidak memiliki effect jika diaktifkan saat bertemu monster). Jika Anda tidak memiliki healing potion, Anda dapat keluar dari dungeon secara instant dengan melakukan klik pada bagian "back to the entrance" dan pilih yes. Jika Anda memperoleh 5 luka dan tidak segera Anda obati maka Anda akan kehilangan 1 live poin jika Anda terluka sekali lagi. Setiap harinya Anda akan memperoleh 3 live poin.
5 - Meningkatkan skill
Setiap naik level, Anda akan memperoleh poin untuk meningkatkan skill seperti attack, defense dan ruse atau untuk meningkatkan serangan dan pertahanan terhadap magic
6 - Keluar dungeon
Monday, 31 October 2011
Computer Virus is the code / program that multiplies itself over and over again. The virus will infect a file, the system, or may only modify certain parts to take over the system and then multiply to form a new generation.
# Worms
Worms replicate themselves over the network, usually the worms will start automatically without any help from the user but the kind of worms 'mass mailer' is not always automatically activated. Worms do not actually require a system / host. However, in some worms like W32/Nimda.A @ mm (@ mm = massmailer) works like a virus most, he will spread to infect the files and infecting systemnya. So the worm is a type of virus whose sole purpose is to attack the network.
# Octopus
Octopus is still grandson worms such as Rabbits and LogicBomb which are all of type @ m (self mailer = W 3 2 / SKA. A @ m) and @ mm (massmailer = VBS / Loveletter.A @ mm). Self-mailers and massmailer will send e-mails from infected computers and sends automatically copy itself along with the e-mail that users send.
# Rabbits
As the name suggests, this worm will continue to 'jump' on a network. This worm is quite dangerous copies itself so that he would spend the memory and CPU resources, thus causing a system down.korban.
Well this kind of more interesting ... ... .. swimsuit! (Swimsuit ... ..? Lho-ed) Actually LogicBomb safety program is a mechanism, for example, a programmer will add a certain code on the program. So after the program has reached the limit of such a program was just purchased for the two-time installation, the installation of the 3, it will remove the program itself .... It's cool. Real example is Game N * k * a serie S60 'mosquitos', this game had a built in function to send an SMS (Short Message Service) to a number of premium ... until pulse squat. This additional function is actually a protection from piracy, but as the author says ... "what you do is what back to you", a program that actually sends SMS to premium numbers game even though it's legal. Then tau dong legal game if the buyer is angry at the game vendor. And the story ends with the destruction of additional code .... Every body and live happily ever after.
Usually programmers hide some secret code ... .... EIT whoa! This code usually contains a 'credit' or the names of people who create programs that are often called 'EasterEgg' (Easter eggs-red). ****** Cool again Mi Office Suit has a lot of 'EasterEgg' hidden, though not dangerous but consume a lot of disk space ... now know where the loss of space hardsik khan you.
Trojan Horse are often made in a pack that entice users to activate it as in the original story. But there is also a trojan horse that is a program of 'hacker' who left and disguised as a program that we know, so that the hacker can log back into our system with ease. For LINUX-ers Trojan horses are often disguised as 'ps' like task manager Win ****, so the process id not found out, this trojan is often referred to as 'rootkits'. Probably a fairly well-known is the Trojan horse of AIDS TROJAN DISK.
# Backdoors (Trapdoors)
This program is commonly used to make connections with the victim's computer. The trick is to open ports TCP / UDP on victim's computer. Then the 'hacker' backdoors just waiting for a connection, then terhubunglah've had with the victim system.
# Germ
This species is the first generation of the virus. Remarkably, the virus itself can not perform like a germ infection, when the ordinary processes of infection. Usually the virus only infects a system once, but the virus 'Germs' will attack the system even though it has no virus 'Germs' in that system.
# Exploit
Exploit made by a certain weakness in the system, this program is used to control a system by raising the 'privillage' and get full access to the system. Sometimes this exploit is used also in the Pen-test (Penetration Test).
# Downloaders
Used to download a content from the Internet automatically and then extract it, it could be a virus, trojans and backdoors.
This may rarely occur, dialer used by people to gain advantage by making the victim call the premium numbers like a phone ... xxx (sensor-ed)
# Droppers (Installers)
Sebenanya is derived from the old school era viruses, boot viruses which is a binary file to be installed in the boot sector of the disk using this dropper. Then the virus will be 'live' and multiply itself without the help of dropper again.
Injector is another form of the dropper that installs the virus in memory. Injector will include an active virus into the disk interrupt handler, and when users access the disk then this virus will reproduce itself. Injectors are commonly used in networks such as 'NC' (netcat), NC is used to insert worms ie 'CodeRed', after the victim's computer then the datagram is determined from the worm that will be fed into the computer. Then the worm will replicate itself over a network without having to infect files in the local hard drive.
On the spread of worms W32/Witty injector is used as a seeder on multiple computers, then at 0 hours (Zerro Day) when the worm is active then the worm has infected a computer which then causes the worm spread quite rapidly
# AUTO-Rooters
This toy 'script-kiddies', its contents a lot of exploits that are used to attack the system, perhaps blindly without knowing the type of system weaknesses that.
# KITS (Virus Generators)
The authors created a program maker virus code virus (Virus Creation Laboratory (VCL) or PSMPC generators), which will create new viruses automatically.
With this pogram which is 'user friendly' people oon (erratum: the layman, because ak jg be lom-red) could make the virus easily, for example VBS / VBSWG.J is the result of the program VBSWG kits.
Program # SPAM
Spammers use to mengrim ads to IM, news group e-mail and SMS. The main goal of spammers is to make access a website to be slow, but sometimes used for the purpose of 'phissing' get personal information like credit card numbers, account numbers, passwords, PINs, etc..
Well this is the media division head of the pack most tau ... (which is censored ga pack leader?-Ed). This program is usually used for DoS (denial of service) make a slow connection, even a server down. Let more cool DoS attacks are usually carried out from several computers (zombie machines) which is then called a DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack.
# Keylogger
This program can save all that we are typing dikomputer, used to gather personal information such as usernames, passwords, PINs, etc..
Hoaxes is 'gossip' AKA fake news, it contains about the spread of dangerous viruses that did not exist. Can also rent-seeking behavior, eg news to raise funds to help victims of disasters, when entered into a personal account. If you join mailing lists or newsgroups maybe you'll find some hoaxes, even though not dangerous but very annoying.
Computer Virus is the code / program that multiplies itself over and over again. The virus will infect a file, the system, or may only modify certain parts to take over the system and then multiply to form a new generation.
# Worms
Worms replicate themselves over the network, usually the worms will start automatically without any help from the user but the kind of worms 'mass mailer' is not always automatically activated. Worms do not actually require a system / host. However, in some worms like W32/Nimda.A @ mm (@ mm = massmailer) works like a virus most, he will spread to infect the files and infecting systemnya. So the worm is a type of virus whose sole purpose is to attack the network.
# Octopus
Octopus is still grandson worms such as Rabbits and LogicBomb which are all of type @ m (self mailer = W 3 2 / SKA. A @ m) and @ mm (massmailer = VBS / Loveletter.A @ mm). Self-mailers and massmailer will send e-mails from infected computers and sends automatically copy itself along with the e-mail that users send.
# Rabbits
As the name suggests, this worm will continue to 'jump' on a network. This worm is quite dangerous copies itself so that he would spend the memory and CPU resources, thus causing a system down.korban.
Well this kind of more interesting ... ... .. swimsuit! (Swimsuit ... ..? Lho-ed) Actually LogicBomb safety program is a mechanism, for example, a programmer will add a certain code on the program. So after the program has reached the limit of such a program was just purchased for the two-time installation, the installation of the 3, it will remove the program itself .... It's cool. Real example is Game N * k * a serie S60 'mosquitos', this game had a built in function to send an SMS (Short Message Service) to a number of premium ... until pulse squat. This additional function is actually a protection from piracy, but as the author says ... "what you do is what back to you", a program that actually sends SMS to premium numbers game even though it's legal. Then tau dong legal game if the buyer is angry at the game vendor. And the story ends with the destruction of additional code .... Every body and live happily ever after.
Usually programmers hide some secret code ... .... EIT whoa! This code usually contains a 'credit' or the names of people who create programs that are often called 'EasterEgg' (Easter eggs-red). ****** Cool again Mi Office Suit has a lot of 'EasterEgg' hidden, though not dangerous but consume a lot of disk space ... now know where the loss of space hardsik khan you.
Trojan Horse are often made in a pack that entice users to activate it as in the original story. But there is also a trojan horse that is a program of 'hacker' who left and disguised as a program that we know, so that the hacker can log back into our system with ease. For LINUX-ers Trojan horses are often disguised as 'ps' like task manager Win ****, so the process id not found out, this trojan is often referred to as 'rootkits'. Probably a fairly well-known is the Trojan horse of AIDS TROJAN DISK.
# Backdoors (Trapdoors)
This program is commonly used to make connections with the victim's computer. The trick is to open ports TCP / UDP on victim's computer. Then the 'hacker' backdoors just waiting for a connection, then terhubunglah've had with the victim system.
# Germ
This species is the first generation of the virus. Remarkably, the virus itself can not perform like a germ infection, when the ordinary processes of infection. Usually the virus only infects a system once, but the virus 'Germs' will attack the system even though it has no virus 'Germs' in that system.
# Exploit
Exploit made by a certain weakness in the system, this program is used to control a system by raising the 'privillage' and get full access to the system. Sometimes this exploit is used also in the Pen-test (Penetration Test).
# Downloaders
Used to download a content from the Internet automatically and then extract it, it could be a virus, trojans and backdoors.
This may rarely occur, dialer used by people to gain advantage by making the victim call the premium numbers like a phone ... xxx (sensor-ed)
# Droppers (Installers)
Sebenanya is derived from the old school era viruses, boot viruses which is a binary file to be installed in the boot sector of the disk using this dropper. Then the virus will be 'live' and multiply itself without the help of dropper again.
Injector is another form of the dropper that installs the virus in memory. Injector will include an active virus into the disk interrupt handler, and when users access the disk then this virus will reproduce itself. Injectors are commonly used in networks such as 'NC' (netcat), NC is used to insert worms ie 'CodeRed', after the victim's computer then the datagram is determined from the worm that will be fed into the computer. Then the worm will replicate itself over a network without having to infect files in the local hard drive.
On the spread of worms W32/Witty injector is used as a seeder on multiple computers, then at 0 hours (Zerro Day) when the worm is active then the worm has infected a computer which then causes the worm spread quite rapidly
# AUTO-Rooters
This toy 'script-kiddies', its contents a lot of exploits that are used to attack the system, perhaps blindly without knowing the type of system weaknesses that.
# KITS (Virus Generators)
The authors created a program maker virus code virus (Virus Creation Laboratory (VCL) or PSMPC generators), which will create new viruses automatically.
With this pogram which is 'user friendly' people oon (erratum: the layman, because ak jg be lom-red) could make the virus easily, for example VBS / VBSWG.J is the result of the program VBSWG kits.
Program # SPAM
Spammers use to mengrim ads to IM, news group e-mail and SMS. The main goal of spammers is to make access a website to be slow, but sometimes used for the purpose of 'phissing' get personal information like credit card numbers, account numbers, passwords, PINs, etc..
Well this is the media division head of the pack most tau ... (which is censored ga pack leader?-Ed). This program is usually used for DoS (denial of service) make a slow connection, even a server down. Let more cool DoS attacks are usually carried out from several computers (zombie machines) which is then called a DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack.
# Keylogger
This program can save all that we are typing dikomputer, used to gather personal information such as usernames, passwords, PINs, etc..
Hoaxes is 'gossip' AKA fake news, it contains about the spread of dangerous viruses that did not exist. Can also rent-seeking behavior, eg news to raise funds to help victims of disasters, when entered into a personal account. If you join mailing lists or newsgroups maybe you'll find some hoaxes, even though not dangerous but very annoying.
# Adware and Spyware
As a survey tool, but if without the knowledge of Khan's name violates our privacy. This program is used to record the habits we bersurfing ria on the internet, after getting the information he will open the ads in the form of POP-UP which sucks.
Well that was the introduction of viruses and family, but with the use of computers and the internet now classify the virus becomes somewhat blurred. A virus currently has various capabilities of the other brother. Among others, able to open ports TCP / UDP, spread through the network, and control the infected system. So understanding between viruses, worms, exploits and other become overlapping.
As a survey tool, but if without the knowledge of Khan's name violates our privacy. This program is used to record the habits we bersurfing ria on the internet, after getting the information he will open the ads in the form of POP-UP which sucks.
Well that was the introduction of viruses and family, but with the use of computers and the internet now classify the virus becomes somewhat blurred. A virus currently has various capabilities of the other brother. Among others, able to open ports TCP / UDP, spread through the network, and control the infected system. So understanding between viruses, worms, exploits and other become overlapping.
About IndieIn recent years the phenomenon of so swift jerky indie. Burst from the musical "edges".Creating a new trend in the global music industry. A question that will imprint on our minds.Actually, what the meaning of indie, underground, DIY, terms that are familiar with the term world music "underground" is.Nowadays people often mistakenly in assessing a musical. Many mention the music of "underground" as a music that loud, brutal, which is only dominated by bands homage to death metal, grind core, hard core or black metal. And it kept repeating that ultimately gives a false notion.Now we peeled a little about the "mistake kaprahan" this. Indie is actually derived from the word in English, the Independent, which means independent, free, independent. The term was later by the Indie musician becomes twisted. Indie term refers to the production system is performed by a musician. A band or musician who makes his own music, record, then, market or distribute the musical work, this is referred to as the Indie musician.Everything is performed by musicians from the start the creative process. Make up to redistribute the product to "own" and the outside lane "mainstream" eventually referred to as DIY (Do it Yourself). Due to distribute or market these products through "guerrilla" or street "underground" (mainly because of lack of budget), then comes the term Underground.
Keep in mind that in the production process of DIY there is no interference from others.That affect the creative process of the musician. Because all done by him.Then came the term indie labels and major labels. Indie labels are a recording company that may not be for a major label, especially from the purse. But it has its own concept, from the kind of music, recording up to the marketing of products. From indie record label is usually the musicians more freedom in the work. While the major labels is a big record company, which has a network marketing or distribution of products is widespread in many countries. Since being pursued is the target market and the trends that are being or already exist and evolve. So often the producer usually suppress or affect, the creative process of artists or musicians in their ideas or his work.
A musician could be called musical underground, where all their products are made by indie (by themselves). Starting from the basic music, arrangement, design album covers for the process of marketing or distribution. As for the type of music "underground" was actually covers all types of music and unlimited. From pop, hard rock, heavy metal, punk, ska, death metal, black metal, hard core, techno, alternative rock and even jazz.
When viewed historically, DIY, indie and underground is a form of resistance and rejection of mainstream music, major labels, and music industry memperiakukan music not as art.But as a commodity. Even in many cases a lot of musicians who serve as cash cows for record producer. A form of resistance from the music artists who want to catapult his expression, who wants his work appreciated and enjoyed by everyone, without loss of idealism and creativity they have. As said by Catherine Nicholas in his article published in Left Of The Dial,"Today's, pop stars are simply the puppets of the powerful, money-hungry businessman of the music industry".DIY production system is mainly performed by musicians who do not have a place in the world's major recording industry. Outside the country, scattered hundreds or even thousands of musicians. Both bands or solo musicians that are consistent with this indie track. If you are familiar with the technology, once in a while try to surf on the internet and you will get so much information about band names, underground musicians, recording their albums, which you never knew or even listen.
With the other ingredients of music, from those already on the market. DIY or this musician through and creates its own market. The music roared, the vowel sounds "c" typical death metal musicians, links the rough, full of curses and dirty words, blasphemies against social conditions, environmental conditions and the state, even the ideology and propaganda, play an instrument that "meticulous ", sound-sound that is" noisy ", until the dressing is considered weird and things that are not in accordance with the" market "or the trend in the world of" pop "into a legitimate and legal in the underground community.
In Indonesia alone, indie phenomenon begins with the release of the album's eyes god's work and Setiawan Djody Iwan Fals. Then followed Pas band, from Bandung, with a mini-EP contains 4 songs titled Four Through The Sap, before it was re-released by Aquarius.After that successive groups of being "indie history" in Indonesia like bodies (C'est La Vie), Sacrilegious (Lucifer's Name Be Prayed), Puppen (Not A Pup EP), Closeminded (Closeminded), and Pure Saturday from Bandung and skulls (11s a Proud To Vomit Him) from Jakarta.
This proved a good response by several radio stations. What to organize special events for "children underground". From Mustang radio in Jakarta, GMR in Bandung, Geronimo in Jogjakarta, until the Eagles radio in Surabaya. After that major label seems to be interested in this indie phenomenon. Since it is considered as a potential market. Start up the album Metallic Clinic of Musica, and Indie Ten of Sony Music, which jump-start the name of Rice, Wong and Brown.
It turned indie phenomenon is not just solely dominated by the music alone. In the world of Indonesian literature appears Goddess "Dee" Lestari who self-published novel Supernova, which received good response from the community.As said by Niklas Steffensen,"If you're a more-or-less underground and independent artist, you dont have to worry too much about what people think; Not to say That you do not appreciate criticism, but you dont have to worry about pleasing the majority of (mostly either casual or fanatic) music listeners. And you dont need to worry about manipulating producers, record labels, managers etc. Trying to make you do a lot of stuff you really arent interested in doing. You can focus on the music & lyrics, roughly speaking you can focus on what you really want to do, what you find important. And since underground music does not have the narrow limits of mainstream music, there's also more room for experimentation. This is why independent & underground music (as well as most other artfbrms) is better than mainstream music; it's not that I have something against people making money or being Successful; it's that you dont have to compromise. ITS NOT ABOUT BAD sounding; ITS ABOUT BEING Talented! "Freedom of expression is the basic idea which later developed into a work that you dahsyat.Beranikah seeked this underground. A question and a challenge for you.
Keep in mind that in the production process of DIY there is no interference from others.That affect the creative process of the musician. Because all done by him.Then came the term indie labels and major labels. Indie labels are a recording company that may not be for a major label, especially from the purse. But it has its own concept, from the kind of music, recording up to the marketing of products. From indie record label is usually the musicians more freedom in the work. While the major labels is a big record company, which has a network marketing or distribution of products is widespread in many countries. Since being pursued is the target market and the trends that are being or already exist and evolve. So often the producer usually suppress or affect, the creative process of artists or musicians in their ideas or his work.
A musician could be called musical underground, where all their products are made by indie (by themselves). Starting from the basic music, arrangement, design album covers for the process of marketing or distribution. As for the type of music "underground" was actually covers all types of music and unlimited. From pop, hard rock, heavy metal, punk, ska, death metal, black metal, hard core, techno, alternative rock and even jazz.
When viewed historically, DIY, indie and underground is a form of resistance and rejection of mainstream music, major labels, and music industry memperiakukan music not as art.But as a commodity. Even in many cases a lot of musicians who serve as cash cows for record producer. A form of resistance from the music artists who want to catapult his expression, who wants his work appreciated and enjoyed by everyone, without loss of idealism and creativity they have. As said by Catherine Nicholas in his article published in Left Of The Dial,"Today's, pop stars are simply the puppets of the powerful, money-hungry businessman of the music industry".DIY production system is mainly performed by musicians who do not have a place in the world's major recording industry. Outside the country, scattered hundreds or even thousands of musicians. Both bands or solo musicians that are consistent with this indie track. If you are familiar with the technology, once in a while try to surf on the internet and you will get so much information about band names, underground musicians, recording their albums, which you never knew or even listen.
With the other ingredients of music, from those already on the market. DIY or this musician through and creates its own market. The music roared, the vowel sounds "c" typical death metal musicians, links the rough, full of curses and dirty words, blasphemies against social conditions, environmental conditions and the state, even the ideology and propaganda, play an instrument that "meticulous ", sound-sound that is" noisy ", until the dressing is considered weird and things that are not in accordance with the" market "or the trend in the world of" pop "into a legitimate and legal in the underground community.
In Indonesia alone, indie phenomenon begins with the release of the album's eyes god's work and Setiawan Djody Iwan Fals. Then followed Pas band, from Bandung, with a mini-EP contains 4 songs titled Four Through The Sap, before it was re-released by Aquarius.After that successive groups of being "indie history" in Indonesia like bodies (C'est La Vie), Sacrilegious (Lucifer's Name Be Prayed), Puppen (Not A Pup EP), Closeminded (Closeminded), and Pure Saturday from Bandung and skulls (11s a Proud To Vomit Him) from Jakarta.
This proved a good response by several radio stations. What to organize special events for "children underground". From Mustang radio in Jakarta, GMR in Bandung, Geronimo in Jogjakarta, until the Eagles radio in Surabaya. After that major label seems to be interested in this indie phenomenon. Since it is considered as a potential market. Start up the album Metallic Clinic of Musica, and Indie Ten of Sony Music, which jump-start the name of Rice, Wong and Brown.
It turned indie phenomenon is not just solely dominated by the music alone. In the world of Indonesian literature appears Goddess "Dee" Lestari who self-published novel Supernova, which received good response from the community.As said by Niklas Steffensen,"If you're a more-or-less underground and independent artist, you dont have to worry too much about what people think; Not to say That you do not appreciate criticism, but you dont have to worry about pleasing the majority of (mostly either casual or fanatic) music listeners. And you dont need to worry about manipulating producers, record labels, managers etc. Trying to make you do a lot of stuff you really arent interested in doing. You can focus on the music & lyrics, roughly speaking you can focus on what you really want to do, what you find important. And since underground music does not have the narrow limits of mainstream music, there's also more room for experimentation. This is why independent & underground music (as well as most other artfbrms) is better than mainstream music; it's not that I have something against people making money or being Successful; it's that you dont have to compromise. ITS NOT ABOUT BAD sounding; ITS ABOUT BEING Talented! "Freedom of expression is the basic idea which later developed into a work that you dahsyat.Beranikah seeked this underground. A question and a challenge for you.
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